Building Bridges,
Inspiring Dialogue,
Empowering Culture

The Foundation for Art and Culture spearheads an initiative across Asia aimed at fostering cultural and artistic connections and facilitating meaningful dialogue between East and West. By leveraging an extensive network, we facilitate collaborations among various actors in the arts and culture sector, including private foundations, public institutions, and museums.

Our main objective is to champion, by way of exchange and dialogue, the recognition of art and culture as a strategic and leading force in the Asia-Pacific region. Art and culture have, more so than ever before, become essential to the understanding of different cultures, as well as to the fostering of collaborations.

The Foundation for Art and Culture aims to support the development of a cultural ecosystem in Asia, and to nurture an influential art scene through international cooperation. Our goal is to accompany Asian cities in their cultural strategies. Consultancy support provided by the Foundation includes promoting major art events, as well as offering world-class artist residencies and institutional training programs. To contribute to urban renewal, the Foundation advocates the preservation of heritage sites, bringing art into new developments.


Organization of Major Events

Promotion & Production of Exhibitions

Strategic GUIDANCE